Marilena von Köppen – Hochschule Fulda (2024)

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  • Doctoral candidates

Marilena von Köppen

PhD project:

Shaping research relationships in partnership in the participatory paradigm against the background of care ethics - analysis of interaction practice in an action research project in a nursing home from the perspective of the academic researchers

Initial supervisor
Prof. Dr Susanne Kümpers
Second supervisor
Prof. Dr Michael T. Wright

Topic / Content:

In recent years, there have been increasing calls for the participation of those affected in studies in the health sector. Often, however, it remains only a superficial participation. My research aims to contribute to sharpening participatory research ethics with regard to the design of research partnerships in nursing homes with the help of the ethics of care. Through micro-analyses of concrete interactions between academic and life-world researchers, I want to gain insights into the complexity of co-production of knowledge and thus contribute to a successful implementation of participation.


Curriculum vitae:

  • Research assistant 01/2017 to 12/2020; research project "Participation in inpatient care for the elderly - PaStA" Fulda University of Applied Sciences.
  • Research assistant 02/2013 to 12/2016; Research project "Living and growing old in Mardorf and surroundings" Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • 01/2017 - 12/2017 International advanced training in participatory social research (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research/Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin)
  • 10/2012 - 10/2015 Master's degree in Public Health University of Applied Sciences Fulda
  • 10/2008 - 07/2012 Studies in General Nursing with a focus on Case Management/Health Promotion Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Award: 10/2019 EARJ/CARN (Educational Action Research Journal / Collaborative Action Research Network); Promising new Action Research writer Award (together with Sabine Tiefenthaler and Kristina Schmidt)

Scholarship: Scholarship holder of the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst

First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Kümpers

Second supervisor:Prof. Dr. Michael T. Wright

Doctorate: since 04.07.2018

Presentations (international):

  • CARN - ALARA Annual Conference "Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future"
    Lecture: "Doing ethical symmetry - Challenging research relations in participatory projects with vulnerable groups from a relational agency rationale"
    Split/Croatia 17.-19.10.19
  • CARN "Voicing and Valuing: Daring and Doing"
    Lecture: "Empowerment under difficult circ*mstances: Chances and Limitations for Action Research in a Long-Term Care Facility in Germany"
    Manchester/Great Britain 25.-27.10.18
  • Trinational Workshop "Participatory Research in Social Work"
    Lecture: "The How-to of Participatory Research Design in Nursing and Care Homes"
    Basel/Switzerland 11.- 13.04.18
  • Abstract accepted, cancelled due to illness:
    CERC International Conference "Toward an Asymmetrical Ethics: Power, Relations, and the Diversity of Subjectivities"
    Stockholm/Sweden 13.-15.11.19

Lectures (national):

  • 09/2020: DGGG, Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress "Young Ideas for Old People - from Epigenetics to Lifeworld"
    2-5 September 2020 in Halle (Saale), "Rethinking Vulnerability: Potentials of Vulnerability-Sensitive Alter(n)sforschung" (abstract accepted, congress was cancelled)
  • 09/2019: DGGG symposium "Care and Participation" 19-20 September 2019 in Berlin,
    "Partnership research relationships under difficult conditions: can Participatory Action Research learn from Care Ethics?" (presentation in the symposium "Participation and Diversity as Challenges in Research and Practice")
  • 03/2019: Congress Poverty and Health 2019 "Politik Macht Gesundheit"
    14 - 15 March 2019 in Berlin, organised by Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung
    "Wer hat welcher Hut auf? The relationship between academic and non-academic researchers in the participatory action research project PaStA" (panel presentation)
  • 01/2019: "The Sustainability of the Social"
    31 January to 1 February 20.19 in Fulda, hosted by the Centre of Research for Society and Sustainability (CeSST)
    "Possibilities and Limits of Participation in Residential Care for the Elderly - Example of a Collective Empowerment Process in the Context of an Action Research Project with Home Advisory Board Members" (presentation)
  • 09/2018 Annual Conference of the DGGG 2018 "Diversity of ageing: biomedical and psychosocial challenges"
    6-8 September 2018 in Cologne, organised by the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics
    "What's total about the institution of nursing homes? On the importance of socio-spatial structures for the possibilities and limits of participation in the last years of life" (lecture)
  • 03/2018: Congress "Poverty and Health 2018" - organised by Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung
    "Journeys in the Home - Exploring the Participation Possibilities of Residents in Institutions of Residential Care for the Elderly with the Inclusion of Staff, Relatives and Volunteers" (panel presentation)
  • 09/2017: "Heterogeneity of age(s)"
    Joint Annual Conference of Section III: Social and Behavioural Gerontology and Section IV: Social Gerontology and Work with the Elderly of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG)
    28-29 September 2017, Fulda "On the way": challenges in participatory research design in old age and nursing homes (panel presentation)


  • Von Köppen, Marilena; Hahn, Daphne; Kümpers, Susanne (2020): Is this participatory research? Critical reflection on an action research project in an institution of inpatient care for the elderly, in: neue praxis - Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Sozialpolitik (special issue 16), pp. 105-117.
  • Von Köppen, Marilena; Schmidt, Kristina; Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2020): Researching with vulnerable groups - a research process model as a reflection aid for participatory projects, in: Hartung, Susanne; Wihofszky, Petra; Wright Michael T. (eds.) Participatory Research. A research approach to health and its methods. Springer VS, [p.l.], pp. 21-6.
  • Von Köppen, Marilena; Schmidt, Kristina; Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2021): Doing ethical symmetry - an action guiding principle for dealing with ethical challenges in participatory research in institutional contexts. Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit 3, pp. 203-228.
  • Sarah Banks & Marilena von Köppen (2021) Ethical Issues for Practice and Research in Congregate Settings During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cases and Commentaries, Ethics and Social Welfare, 15:3, 328-335, DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2021.1961367.
  • Von Köppen, Marilena; Hahn, Daphne; Kümpers, Susanne (2021): Partizipationsprozesse im Pflegeheim - Analyse der Kontextfaktoren eines Action-Research-Projekts mit Bewohner:innen, In: Hämel, Kerstin/Röhnsch, Gundula (eds.) Förderung der Gesundheit und Partizipation bei chronischer Krankheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit im Lebensverlauf. Beltz (forthcoming)
  • Von Köppen, Marilena; Hahn, Daphne; Kümpers, Susanne: Co-Production of Knowledge and Dialogue: A Reflective Analysis of the Space between Academic and Lay Co-Researchers in the Early Stages of the Research Process (in review)
  • Von Köppen, Marilena (2017): The Engaged Self: A Dispositif Analysis of Civic Engagement in Mardorf. pg-papers 01/2017, Fulda.
  • Von Köppen, Marilena / Müller, Margret (2017): Der Aufbau von Angeboten zur Unterstützung im Alltag - Hilfe für Helfer: Ein Werkzeugkoffer für engagierte Initiativen. Online at: https://
  • Von Köppen, Marilena (2013): Der Begriff der "hochaufwendigen" Pflege: Übereinstimmungen und Differenzen zwischen der Verständnis der Pflegefachpersonen und der Definition des PKMS-E. In: Wieteck, P. (ed.). Handbook 2013 for PKMS and PPR-A4 - Coding guidelines and practical application of OPS 9-20 highly complex patient care. Kassel: Recom, 266-288.

Publications (examples)

von Köppen, M. & Kümpers, S. (2023). Potentials of the Capability Approach for Reflecting on Participatory Health Research with Older People. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56, 368-375. doi:10.1007/s00391-023-02207-x

Tayebi, N.S., Von Köppen, M., Plunger, P., Börner, S. & Banks, S. (2023). Researching with Care - Participatory Health Research with Afghan Women Refugees in Germany During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case with Commentaries. Ethics and Social Welfare, 17(2), 229-235. doi:10.1080/17496535.2023.2209364

Piel, J., von Köppen, M. & Apfelbacher, C. (2022). Politics in Search of Evidence - The Role of Public Health in the COVID Pandemic in Germany: Protocol for a Situational Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16486. doi:10.3390/ijerph192416486

International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research (ICPHR). (2022). Position Paper 2: Participatory Health Research - A Guide to Ethical Principles and Practice (2nd ed.). Baltimore: International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research. (Part of the Editorial Group)

Tiefenthaler, S., von Köppen, M. & Schmidt, K. (2022). Participatory Research in Institutional Contexts: Achieving Ethical Symmetry in Research Practice. Educational Action Research Journal, 1-19. doi:10.1080/09650792.2022.2062408

von Köppen, M., Kümpers, S. & Hahn, D. (2022). Co-production of knowledge and dialogue: A reflective analysis of the space between academic and lay co-researchers in the early stages of the research process [83 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 23(1), Art. 3.

von Köppen, M., Hahn, D. & Kümpers, S. (2021). Participation processes in nursing homes - analysing the contextual factors of an action research project with residents, In: Hämel, Kerstin/Röhnsch, Gundula (eds.) Förderung der Gesundheit und Partizipation bei chronischer Krankheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit im Lebensverlauf, 239-258.

Banks, Sarah & von Köppen, Marilena (2021): Ethical Issues for Practice and Research in Congregate Settings During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cases and Commentaries, Ethics and Social Welfare, 15:3, 328-335

von Köppen, Marilena; Schmidt, Kristina; Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2021): Doing ethical symmetry - an action-guiding principle for dealing with ethical challenges in participatory research in institutional contexts. Austrian Yearbook for Social Work 3, pp. 203-228.

von Köppen, Marilena; Schmidt, Kristina; Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2020): Researching with vulnerable groups - a research process model as an aid to reflection for participatory projects, in: Hartung, Susanne; Wihofszky, Petra; Wright Michael T. (eds.) Participatory Research. A research approach for health and its methods. Springer VS, [S.l.], pp. 21-61.

von Köppen, Marilena; Hahn, Daphne; Kümpers, Susanne (2020): Is this participatory research? Critical reflection on an action research project in a residential care facility for the elderly, in: neue praxis - Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Sozialpolitik (special issue 16), pp. 105-117.

von Köppen, Marilena (2017): The engaged self: A dispositive analysis of civic engagement in Mardorf. pg-papers 01/2017, Fulda.

von Köppen, Marilena & Müller, Margret (2017): Building offers of support in everyday life - Help for helpers: a toolbox for committed initiatives. Online at:

von Köppen, Marilena (2013): The concept of "high-intensity" nursing care: similarities and differences between the understanding of nursing professionals and the definition of the PKMS-E. In: Wieteck, P. (ed.). Handbuch 2013 für PKMS und PPR-A4 - Kodierrichtlinien und praktische Anwendung des OPS 9-20 hochaufwendige Pflege von Patienten. Kassel: Recom, 266-288.

Presentations (examples)

Symposium "Ethics of Participation in Health Research and Biopolitics (E-Part)", 02.11.22-04.11.22, Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, supported by the Volkswagen Foundation, "Ethische Symmetrie im Pflegeheim? Critical analysis of the interaction practice of academic and lifeworld (co-)researchers in an action research project in inpatient care for the elderly", contribution to a World Café

EUPHA, "Strengthening health systems: improving population health and being prepared for the unexpected", 09-12.09.22, Berlin, "The role of public health scientists within the German political discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic" (pitch together with Julia Piel and Christian Apfelbacher) and "Participation in vulnerable old age? Barriers and opportunities in nursing homes in Germany" (presentation together with Susanne Kümpers and Daphne Hahn)

DGSMP ""Rethinking Social Health: Challenges for Social Medicine and Medical Sociology in the Digital Late Modern Age", 07-09 September 22, Magdeburg, "I thought I could really contribute something": The voice of public health in the management of the pandemic and future crises" (workshop) together with Julia Piel and Christian Apfelbacher

Congress "Poverty and Health 2022", 22-24 March 2022, online, "Ethical Challenges in Participatory Research (etHPart) - Development of a Reflection and Analysis Procedure" (workshop), together with members of the PartGroup

PartNet, 6th Berlin Workshop on Participatory Research, 25.02.22 Online, "The research process model: a reflection aid for participatory projects with people from marginalised groups" (poster) together with Kristina Schmidt and Sabine Tiefenthaler

DGGG, Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress "Junge Ideen für alte Menschen - von der Epigenetik bis zur Lebenswelt", 2-5 September 2020 in Halle (Saale), "Verletzlichkeit neu denken: Potenziale einer vulnerabilitätssensitiven Alter(n)sforschung" (presentation)

CERC International Conference "Toward an Asymmetrical Ethics: Power, Relations, and the Diversity of Subjectivities" 13-15 Nov. 19 at Södertörn University, Stockholm (presentation)

CARN - ALARA Annual Conference "Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future" 17-19 October 19 in Split/Croatia, "Doing ethical symmetry - Challenging research relations in participatory projects with vulnerable groups from a relational agency rationale" (presentation)

DGGG Symposium "Care and Participation", 19-20 September 2019 in Berlin, "Partnership in research relationships under difficult conditions: can participatory action research learn from care ethics?" (Presentation at the symposium "Participation and diversity as challenges in research and practice")

Congress "Poverty and Health 2019", 14.3-15.3.19 in Berlin, "Who wears which hat? The relationship between academic and non-academic researchers in the participatory action research project PaStA" (presentation)

CESST Junior Researchers' Conference "The sustainability of the social", 31 Jan - 1 Feb 19 in Fulda, "Possibilities and limits of participation in residential care for the elderly - example of a collective empowerment process as part of an action research project with members of a care home advisory board" (presentation)

CARN "Voicing and Valuing: Daring and Doing", 25-27.10.18 in Manchester/Great Britain, "Empowerment under difficult circ*mstances: Chances and Limitations for Action Research in a Long-Term Care Facility in Germany" (presentation)

DGGG, Annual Conference, "Diversity of ageing: biomedical and psychosocial challenges", 6-8 September 18 in Cologne, "What is total about the institution of the nursing home? On the importance of social space structures for the possibilities and limits of participation in the last years of life" (presentation)

Trinational workshop "Participatory research in social work", 11 - 13 April 2018 in Basel, organised by the University of Hildesheim and the FHNW School of Social Work, "The how-to of participatory research design in retirement and nursing homes" (presentation)

Congress "Poverty and Health 2018", organised by Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. working group for health promotion, "Travelling in the home - exploring the participation opportunities of residents in residential care facilities for the elderly with the involvement of employees, relatives and volunteers" (presentation)

DGGG, "Heterogeneity of age(ing)", Joint Annual Conference of Section III: Social and Behavioural Gerontology and Section IV: Social Gerontology and Work with the Elderly of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG) 28-29 September 17, Fulda, "On the way": Challenges in the participatory design of research in retirement and nursing homes (presentation)

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Marilena von Köppen–Hochschule Fulda (6)
Marilena von Köppen – Hochschule Fulda (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.